How to avoid the scams you just press the big x in the corner. Something that you’ve never seen just and don’t go on it.

Notan Art

We learnt about copyright and what we needed to do if we use to someone else’s work. Then we created Notan art on Google draw. Have you tried this kind of art before?

Kea Heart Art.

I learnt how to complete a Romero Britto inspired art piece. We we were given a quarter of heart to complete. We watched a video for ideas. 


Our quarter had to use a variety lines and colours to complete six sections. Many of us use zentangle type lines. Zentangles are small

pieces of art that use patterns. I liked drawing the patterns but the tricky part was keeping the lines straight. I ended up using a ruler. 

Next time I make something like this I’m going to try and add more detail. 

Have you done this art? Have you recreated a famous artist style of art this year?

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